Yakeety is a gamification platform designed to enhance teams engagement and productivity.


It provides dynamic incentives for goals with features like rewards, prizes, and team recognition.


Magic? Better than that: gamification.

How does it work?


The platform aims to streamline incentive tracking, eliminating the need for spreadsheets and manual updates. .

What can I do with Yakeety?

By integrating data from your favorite platforms, Yakeety automatically tracks incentives, fostering a motivating environment through real-time updates



Different types of competitions, scenarios and design



Collect points from missions and microlearning games.



Rankings active over time, accumulating points across multiple tests

Who can use Yakeety?

Everyone who wants to gamify a process. If you organize events or work in Internal Communication or Training, Yakeety will be very useful for you. But you can also use it if you work in Human Resources or the Sales Department, for example.

Yakeety offers game options that no other platform on the market offers:

Companies can easily create gamified activities sustained over time

A simple to implement action loop is generated

Companies can generate activities for all types of players that exist

Companies can offer their workers gamified processes (onboarding, internal training, etc.) using the same platform, the same aesthetics and the same story

It is possible to maintain infinite game dynamics

Connect Yakeety to your favorite work platform


A core team building solution that simplifies sales success, drives performance, and creates a collaborative work environment.

Try Yakeety now!

In less than three minutes you can create your first gamified activity, following a simple online tutorial.

There is nothing to download, the back office allows you to manage the games, link offline and online worlds and define rewards.